Talent Acquisition Compliance

Help recruiters quickly get up to speed on the unique compliance requirements that apply to the talent acquisition process.

Talent acquisition professionals are the first line of defense against claims of unlawful hiring discrimination or failure to engage in adequate affirmative action outreach efforts – a line of defense that gets much stronger when they know the compliance “ground rules” that apply to the recruitment and selection process. 

In this 15-minute course, TA professionals learn the fundamentals of recruitment and selection compliance, including the laws of equal employment opportunity, the essential requirements of affirmative action, the importance of making selection decisions based on job-related qualifications, and how good TA recordkeeping practices help minimize compliance risks.

All Compliance in Action courses are available for individual or unlimited participant purchase. Individual participants who purchase the course have access for six months. Unlimited purchase license terms are perpetual for current CWC members, and two years for non-members.

Compliance in Action: Talent Acquisition Compliance
Help recruiters quickly get up to speed on the unique compliance requirements that apply to recruitment and selection. The individual rate provides access to the course for six months via CWC's learning system.

Individual rate for course access:

Non-Member Price: 39.00
Member Price: 19.00
Compliance in Action: Talent Acquisition Compliance
Help recruiters quickly get up to speed on the unique compliance requirements that apply to recruitment and selection. The license fee for enterprise access allows member organizations to deliver the course to an unlimited number of employees via their own learning system for as long as the organization remains a CWC member. Volume discounts are available for members that purchase multiple courses. The license fee allows non-member organizations to deliver the course to an unlimited number of employees via their own learning system for two years. CWC will deliver the course to member and non-member organizations after both parties sign a License Agreement. CWC can customize this course for an additional fee.

Enterprise license fee for delivery on organization learning system:
Non-Member Price: 12,500.00
Member Price: 5,000.00

© 2025 Center for Workplace Compliance (CWC™). All rights reserved. Formerly EEAC. No part of this document may be reproduced without permission of CWC. This resource is intended for the exclusive use of CWC’s members. Any sharing, copying, exchanging, repurposing, reproduction, or assignment of CWC’s resources or other copyrighted materials to any party outside of a CWC member organization in good standing without the express written consent of CWC is strictly prohibited. If you have questions about your membership status or becoming a CWC member, please contact us at info@cwc.org or 202-629-5655.