Congress Approves New Law Banning Mandatory Arbitration of Sexual Harassment Claims
Anti-Arbitration Bills Are on the Move in Congress
An intensive, week-long program covering the principles and practice of people compliance.
The Supreme Court has agreed to hear several cases during its upcoming term which could impact employment law compliance. Our memo provides a summary.
The High Court’s pro-arbitration ruling resolves a split among the federal appeals courts as to whether a trial court must put a lawsuit on hold rather than dismiss it when arbitration has been ordered.
A bill that would outlaw pre-dispute arbitration of age discrimination claims has cleared a key U.S. Senate Committee on a bipartisan vote, paving the way for possible enactment later this year.
The ruling by the High Court further clarifies the scope of the transportation worker exemption contained in the Federal Arbitration Act.
Enforcement of a 2019 California law (AB 51) that bans mandatory employment arbitration agreements has been permanently enjoined pursuant to a federal court order entered on January 2, 2024.
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