Data Center

Use our proprietary statistics and research to make better, data-driven decisions.

Workforce Diversity Data

Analyze critical “EEO Tabulation” data to develop compliance and diversity benchmarks by race/ethnicity, gender, occupation, and geographic area. Research and compare labor market availability rates, and find the best available Census Occupation Code for each job title.

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Employer Diversity Data

Access and analyze employer diversity figures from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s annual Employer Information (EEO-1) Report. Chart and graph race/ethnicity and gender benchmark data by industry, geography, and EEO-1 job category.

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Graduate Diversity Data

Find and analyze data on the diversity of the nation’s college and university graduates. Research detailed race/ethnicity and gender data by degree, award level, and even specific institution, and find and compare schools based on their diversity results.

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State Standards Data

Use our interactive map to stay on top of changes in state and local workplace compliance requirements. Research which states have specific requirements, from “ban the box” laws to voting leave requirements, and everything in between.

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Selection Rate Calculator

Use our Disparity Analysis Calculator to help you analyze differences in selection rates and evaluate the compliance and discrimination risks associated with many different types of employment decisions. Calculate and analyze selection rates for statistically significant differences based on race/ethnicity and gender.

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© 2024 Center for Workplace Compliance (CWC™). All rights reserved. Formerly EEAC. No part of this document may be reproduced without permission of CWC. This resource is intended for the exclusive use of CWC’s members. Any sharing, copying, exchanging, repurposing, reproduction, or assignment of CWC’s resources or other copyrighted materials to any party outside of a CWC member organization in good standing without the express written consent of CWC is strictly prohibited. If you have questions about your membership status or becoming a CWC member, please contact us at or 202-629-5655.