Selection Rate Calculator

Calculate and analyze selection rates for statistically significant differences based on race/ethnicity and gender.

Assess Systemic Risk in Seconds

Analyzing differences in selection rates is an important step in evaluating the compliance and discrimination risks associated with many different types of employment decisions, including those involving job offers, promotions, routine terminations, and reductions in force. Our Disparity Analysis Calculator makes this process easy. Simply tell the calculator whether the decision you’re analyzing is positive or negative, and then enter by gender and race/ethnicity the number of individuals eligible for selection and the number of individuals selected. The calculator instantly returns key information about your decisions, including:

  • The overall selection rate and the selection rate for each demographic group
  • The race/ethnicity group deemed most “favored” according to the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (UGESP)
  • The “expected” number of selections for each group
  • The “shortfall” – or difference between the actual and expected selections – for each group
  • Whether any of the observed differences in selection rates are statistically significant, using both a “standard deviations analysis” and an even more precise “Fisher’s Exact” test
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Selection Rate Calculator

Calculate and Analyze Selection Rates



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