Employer Diversity Data

Compare your workforce diversity profile to employer EEO-1 aggregates by industry and geography.

How Does Your Diversity Compare to Your Industry’s?

Each year, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission collects data on the workforce diversity of private-sector employers with 100 or more employees, and federal contractor employers with 50 or more employees. Tabulations of these Employer Information (EEO-1) Report data contain the most current race/ethnicity and gender representation figures by industry and geography, allowing member-subscribers to generate high-level representational benchmarks in support of their affirmative action program availability estimates and diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. Features include:

  • The ability to select and analyze national, state, and Core Based Statistical Area EEO-1 profile data by gender and race/ethnicity category
  • Workforce diversity tabulations by EEO-1 job category for each major U.S. industry sector and subsector
  • The ability to develop custom diversity benchmark estimates by finding, selecting, and combining multiple geographic areas, industries, and even job categories
  • Downloadable charts and graphs displaying EEO-1 representation figures by headcount and percentage

Employer Diversity Data

How diverse are the private-sector employers in your industry or geographic area?



This is a subscriber-only benefit.

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