
Each year our staff prepare hundreds of memos, guides and templates, legal briefs, comment letters, and policy papers to help our members understand and manage their workplace requirements and risks, and to help advance the sensible regulation of the U.S. workplace.


Anti-Discrimination Protected Classes

There are a variety of federal laws that protect employees from discrimination based on an individual's membership in a protected class. For example, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin, while the Age Discrimination in Employment Act prohibits age discrimination. States have their own versions of these laws, often protecting additional classes from employment discrimination. CWC's State Anti-Discrimination Protected Categories resource enables members to see what categories are provided state level protection from employment discrimination in addition to being able to quickly review a specific state's human right's statute.

Anti-Discrimination Protected Classes

Helps members locate the various categories protected from discrimination at the state level.

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This is a member-only benefit.


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© 2024 Center for Workplace Compliance (CWC™). All rights reserved. Formerly EEAC. No part of this document may be reproduced without permission of CWC. This resource is intended for the exclusive use of CWC’s members. Any sharing, copying, exchanging, repurposing, reproduction, or assignment of CWC’s resources or other copyrighted materials to any party outside of a CWC member organization in good standing without the express written consent of CWC is strictly prohibited. If you have questions about your membership status or becoming a CWC member, please contact us at or 202-629-5655.